
Enabling Trio mode and running your first async tests


If you used cookiecutter-trio to set up your project, then pytest-trio and Trio mode are already configured! You can write async def test_whatever(): ... and it should just work. Feel free to skip to the next section.

Let’s make a temporary directory to work in, and write two trivial tests: one that we expect should pass, and one that we expect should fail:

# test_example.py
import trio

async def test_sleep():
    start_time = trio.current_time()
    await trio.sleep(1)
    end_time = trio.current_time()
    assert end_time - start_time >= 1

async def test_should_fail():
    assert False

If we run this under pytest normally, then we get a strange result:

$ pytest test_example.py

======================== test session starts =========================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.5, pytest-3.6.3, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.6.0
rootdir: /tmp, inifile:
collected 2 items

test_example.py ..                                             [100%]

========================== warnings summary ==========================
  .../_pytest/python.py:196: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'test_sleep' was never awaited

  .../_pytest/python.py:196: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'test_should_fail' was never awaited

-- Docs: http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/warnings.html
================ 2 passed, 2 warnings in 0.02 seconds ================

So test_sleep passed, which is what we expected… but test_should_fail also passes, which is strange. And it says that the whole test run completed in 0.02 seconds, which is weird, because test_sleep should have taken at least second to run. And then there are these strange warnings at the bottom… what’s going on here?

The problem is that our tests are async, and pytest doesn’t know what to do with it. So it basically skips running them entirely, and then reports them as passed. This is not very helpful! If you see warnings like this, or if your tests seem to pass but your coverage reports claim that they weren’t run at all, then this might be the problem.

Here’s the fix:

  1. Install pytest-trio: pip install pytest-trio

  2. In your project root, create a file called pytest.ini with contents:

    trio_mode = true

And we’re done! Let’s try running pytest again:

$ pip install pytest-trio

$ cat <<EOF >pytest.ini
trio_mode = true

$ pytest test_example.py
======================== test session starts =========================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.5, pytest-3.6.3, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.6.0
rootdir: /tmp, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: trio-0.4.2
collected 2 items

test_example.py .F                                             [100%]

============================== FAILURES ==============================
__________________________ test_should_fail __________________________

    async def test_should_fail():
>       assert False
E       assert False

test_example.py:7: AssertionError
================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 1.05 seconds =================

Notice that now it says plugins: trio, which means that pytest-trio is installed, and the results make sense: the good test passed, the bad test failed, no warnings, and it took just over 1 second, like we’d expect.

Trio’s magic autojump clock

Tests involving time are often slow and flaky. But we can fix that. Just add the autojump_clock fixture to your test, and it will run in a mode where Trio’s clock is virtualized and deterministic. Essentially, the clock doesn’t move, except that whenever all tasks are blocked waiting, it jumps forward until the next time when something will happen:

# Notice the 'autojump_clock' argument: that's all it takes!
async def test_sleep_efficiently_and_reliably(autojump_clock):
    start_time = trio.current_time()
    await trio.sleep(1)
    end_time = trio.current_time()
    assert start_time - end_time == 1

In the version of this test we saw before that used real time, at the end we had to use a >= comparison, in order to account for scheduler jitter and so forth. If there were a bug that caused trio.sleep() to take 10 seconds, our test wouldn’t have noticed. But now we’re using virtual time, so the call to await trio.sleep(1) takes exactly 1 virtual second, and the == test will pass every time. Before, we had to wait around for the test to complete; now, it completes essentially instantaneously. (Try it!) And, while here our example is super simple, it’s integration with Trio’s core scheduling logic allows this to work for arbitrarily complex programs (as long as they aren’t interacting with the outside world).

Async fixtures

We can write async fixtures:

async def db_connection():
    return await some_async_db_library.connect(...)

async def test_example(db_connection):
    await db_connection.execute("SELECT * FROM ...")

If you need to run teardown code, you can use yield, just like a regular pytest fixture:

# DB connection that wraps each test in a transaction and rolls it
# back afterwards
async def rollback_db_connection():
    # Setup code
    connection = await some_async_db_library.connect(...)
    await connection.execute("START TRANSACTION")

    # The value of this fixture
    yield connection

    # Teardown code, executed after the test is done
    await connection.execute("ROLLBACK")

If you need to support Python 3.5, which doesn’t allow yield inside an async def function, then you can define async fixtures using the async_generator library – just make sure to put the @pytest.fixture above the @async_generator.

Running a background server from a fixture

Here’s some code to implement an echo server. It’s supposed to take in arbitrary data, and then send it back out again:

async def echo_server_handler(stream):
    while True:
        data = await stream.receive_some(1000)
        if not data:
        await stream.send_all(data)

# Usage: await trio.serve_tcp(echo_server_handler, ...)

Now we need to test it, to make sure it’s working correctly. In fact, since this is such complicated and sophisticated code, we’re going to write lots of tests for it. And they’ll all follow the same basic pattern: we’ll start the echo server running in a background task, then connect to it, send it some test data, and see how it responds. Here’s a first attempt:

# Let's cross our fingers and hope no-one else is using this port...
PORT = 14923

# Don't copy this -- we can do better
async def test_attempt_1():
    async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
        # Start server running in the background
            partial(trio.serve_tcp, echo_server_handler, port=PORT)

        # Connect to the server.
        echo_client = await trio.open_tcp_stream("", PORT)
        # Send some test data, and check that it gets echoed back
        async with echo_client:
            for test_byte in [b"a", b"b", b"c"]:
                await echo_client.send_all(test_byte)
                assert await echo_client.receive_some(1) == test_byte

This will mostly work, but it has a few problems. The most obvious one is that when we run it, even if everything works perfectly, it will hang at the end of the test – we never shut down the server, so the nursery block will wait forever for it to exit.

To avoid this, we should cancel the nursery at the end of the test:

# Let's cross our fingers and hope no-one else is using this port...
PORT = 14923

# Don't copy this -- we can do better
async def test_attempt_2():
    async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
            # Start server running in the background
                partial(trio.serve_tcp, echo_server_handler, port=PORT)

            # Connect to the server.
            echo_client = await trio.open_tcp_stream("", PORT)
            # Send some test data, and check that it gets echoed back
            async with echo_client:
                for test_byte in [b"a", b"b", b"c"]:
                    await echo_client.send_all(test_byte)
                    assert await echo_client.receive_some(1) == test_byte

In fact, this pattern is so common, that pytest-trio provides a handy nursery fixture to let you skip the boilerplate. Just add nursery to your test function arguments, and pytest-trio will open a nursery, pass it in to your function, and then cancel it for you afterwards:

# Let's cross our fingers and hope no-one else is using this port...
PORT = 14923

# Don't copy this -- we can do better
async def test_attempt_3(nursery):
    # Start server running in the background
        partial(trio.serve_tcp, echo_server_handler, port=PORT)

    # Connect to the server.
    echo_client = await trio.open_tcp_stream("", PORT)
    # Send some test data, and check that it gets echoed back
    async with echo_client:
        for test_byte in [b"a", b"b", b"c"]:
            await echo_client.send_all(test_byte)
            assert await echo_client.receive_some(1) == test_byte

Next problem: we have a race condition. We spawn a background task to call serve_tcp, and then immediately try to connect to that server. Sometimes this will work fine. But it takes a little while for the server to start up and be ready to accept connections – so other times, randomly, our connection attempt will happen too quickly, and error out. After all – nursery.start_soon only promises that the task will be started soon, not that it’s actually happened. So this test will be flaky, and flaky tests are the worst.

Fortunately, Trio makes this easy to solve, by switching to using await nursery.start(...). You can read its docs for full details, but basically the idea is that both nursery.start_soon(...) and await nursery.start(...) create background tasks, but only start waits for the new task to finish getting itself set up. This requires some cooperation from the background task: it has to notify nursery.start when it’s ready. Fortunately, trio.serve_tcp() already knows how to cooperate with nursery.start, so we can write:

# Let's cross our fingers and hope no-one else is using this port...
PORT = 14923

# Don't copy this -- we can do better
async def test_attempt_4(nursery):
    # Start server running in the background
    # AND wait for it to finish starting up before continuing
    await nursery.start(
        partial(trio.serve_tcp, echo_server_handler, port=PORT)

    # Connect to the server
    echo_client = await trio.open_tcp_stream("", PORT)
    async with echo_client:
        for test_byte in [b"a", b"b", b"c"]:
            await echo_client.send_all(test_byte)
            assert await echo_client.receive_some(1) == test_byte

That solves our race condition. Next issue: hardcoding the port number like this is a bad idea, because port numbers are a machine-wide resource, so if we’re unlucky some other program might already be using it. What we really want to do is to tell serve_tcp() to pick a random port that no-one else is using. It turns out that this is easy: if you request port 0, then the operating system will pick an unused one for you automatically. Problem solved!

But wait… if the operating system is picking the port for us, how do we know figure out which one it picked, so we can connect to it later?

Well, there’s no way to predict the port ahead of time. But after serve_tcp() has opened a port, it can check and see what it got. So we need some way to pass this data back out of serve_tcp(). Fortunately, nursery.start handles this too: it lets the task pass out a piece of data after it’s started. And it just so happens that what serve_tcp() passes out is a list of SocketListener objects. And there’s a handy function called trio.testing.open_stream_to_socket_listener() that can take a SocketListener and make a connection to it.

Putting it all together:

from trio.testing import open_stream_to_socket_listener

# Don't copy this -- it finally works, but we can still do better!
async def test_attempt_5(nursery):
    # Start server running in the background
    # AND wait for it to finish starting up before continuing
    # AND find out where it's actually listening
    listeners = await nursery.start(
        partial(trio.serve_tcp, echo_server_handler, port=0)

    # Connect to the server.
    # There might be multiple listeners (example: IPv4 and
    # IPv6), but we don't care which one we connect to, so we
    # just use the first.
    echo_client = await open_stream_to_socket_listener(listeners[0])
    async with echo_client:
        for test_byte in [b"a", b"b", b"c"]:
            await echo_client.send_all(test_byte)
            assert await echo_client.receive_some(1) == test_byte

Now, this works – but there’s still a lot of boilerplate. Remember, we need to write lots of tests for this server, and we don’t want to have to copy-paste all that stuff into every test. Let’s factor out the setup into a fixture:

async def echo_client(nursery):
    listeners = await nursery.start(
        partial(trio.serve_tcp, echo_server_handler, port=0)
    echo_client = await open_stream_to_socket_listener(listeners[0])
    async with echo_client:
        yield echo_client

And now in tests, all we have to do is request the echo_client fixture, and we get a background server and a client stream connected to it. So here’s our complete, final version:

# Final version -- copy this!
from functools import partial
import pytest
import trio
from trio.testing import open_stream_to_socket_listener

# The code being tested:
async def echo_server_handler(stream):
    while True:
        data = await stream.receive_some(1000)
        if not data:
        await stream.send_all(data)

# The fixture:
async def echo_client(nursery):
    listeners = await nursery.start(
        partial(trio.serve_tcp, echo_server_handler, port=0)
    echo_client = await open_stream_to_socket_listener(listeners[0])
    async with echo_client:
        yield echo_client

# A test using the fixture:
async def test_final(echo_client):
    for test_byte in [b"a", b"b", b"c"]:
        await echo_client.send_all(test_byte)
        assert await echo_client.receive_some(1) == test_byte

No hangs, no race conditions, simple, clean, and reusable.